The Fox Block Interlock
When the Fox Blocks inter­lock was designed our Engi­neer­ing staff made the choice not to focus on being with­in 1÷2” to 1” from the build­ing dimen­sion but to give the strongest inter­lock pos­si­ble.
New Training for the Fox Block Interlock
We have found it to be a waste of time and ener­gy to attempt to off­set or stag­ger the block as in the pho­to to the left. By cre­at­ing a ver­ti­cal stacked seam you will be more accu­rate with the job dimen­sions and will increase your prof­it by gain­ing effi­cien­cy.
Interview with ICF Specialties ICF Contractor Don Coleman on Using Fox Blocks
ICF Con­trac­tor Don Cole­man with ICF Spe­cial­ties gives the low­down on work­ing with Fox Blocks’ insu­lat­ed con­crete forms.
Remove Costs on your ICF Project
Two proven areas to remove costs are cor­ners and truss wire.
How Strong is the Fox Blocks 90° Corner?
We built a test wall 440 feet long x 9′-4″ tall with 24 turns, with no brac­ing or strap­ping, to test the 90 degree blocks with con­crete.
Fox Blocks Recognized at 2013 ICF Builder Awards Projects from Five States Receive Awards
We are hon­ored to be rec­og­nized with these five ICF Builder Awards. Fox Blocks won five awards in three cat­e­gories, with projects from five dif­fer­ent states.
Back to Basics: Advantages of Fox Blocks ICF Forms
The advan­tages of Fox Blocks ICFs are sev­er­al. Fox Blocks pro­vide a clever design that has the good fea­tures of the tried and true ear­ly brands of ICFs, and then has incor­po­rat­ed sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments, which enhance the ease of use to the installer.
Attaching Floor Joists to Your Insulated Concrete Forms
Just one way to attach your floor sys­tem to the side of a Fox Blocks wall when build­ing with Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms for mul­ti­ple sto­ries of con­struc­tion.
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Insulated Concrete Form Installation Checklist
Check­lists can be an impor­tant part of any project. We’ve cre­at­ed a series of instal­la­tion check­lists bro­ken out in phas­es to help you be the most effi­cient with your next ICF project.
In the Field: Gymnasium Auditorium in Phoenix, AZ
Take a tour with us through the Gym­na­si­um Bour­gade Hill­man High School in Phoenix, AZ.