Copy of 14 Finished Exterior
The project was built to cre­ate a sound and visu­al bar­ri­er between the neigh­bor­ing home after a sec­tion of trees on the side yard that joined the two prop­er­ties was cleared.
IMG 5365
In order to max­i­mize the avail­able project foot­print and achieve the beau­ti­ful mediter­ranean-inspired look, the design required com­plex, tight-radius cor­ners and open­ings.
The Foundation of Construction: A Guide to Building Code Foundation Requirements
IMG 0732 2
In order to max­i­mize the avail­able project foot­print and achieve the beau­ti­ful mediter­ranean-inspired look, the design required com­plex, tight-radius cor­ners and open­ings.
Highlights of the 2021 ICF Builder Awards
Highlights of The 2021 ICF Builder Awards
How do I determine which size ICF to use?

ICFs pro­vide a rein­forced con­crete wall which is designed to spe­cif­ic engi­neer­ing prin­ci­ples. Typ­i­cal res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion, per the applic­a­bil­i­ty lim­its in the build­ing code, allows walls 10′ (3 m) high or less between lat­er­al sup­ports (floor and roof con­nec­tions). Below grade walls must have a min­i­mum 6″ (150 mm) con­crete core. In some regions, an 8″ (200 mm) con­crete core is the min­i­mum allowed thick­ness for below grade walls.

The 4″ (100 mm) form can­not be used below grade as a foun­da­tion wall. The 4″ (100 mm) form may be used for above grade walls up to a max­i­mum of 10′ (3.0 m).

The 6″ (150 mm) form, above grade, is lim­it­ed to approx­i­mate­ly 14′ (4.2 m) in height. Walls high­er than 14′ (4.2 m) must use an 8″ (200 mm) or larg­er form.

Typ­i­cal res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion will use 6″ or 8″ con­crete core size blocks. Project spe­cif­ic engi­neer­ing may allow for some core thick­ness to span ver­ti­cal­ly high­er than these pro­posed guide­lines.

3 Problems with Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks
How Architects Can Sell Clients on ICF Construction
Uti­liz­ing ICF for res­i­den­tial projects is an amaz­ing way to cre­ate strong and safe homes while uti­liz­ing ICF for com­mer­cial projects is an easy way to hit dead­lines ear­li­er with low­er costs. Want to know how to sell your clients on ICF con­struc­tion? Keep read­ing to receive expert knowl­edge on all the ben­e­fits and the best way to com­mu­ni­cate them.