Tiny ICF Home Header
10 Tips for Designing a Small or Tiny ICF Home
Fox Block IC Fs Commercial Buildings
Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
Tips for Designing ICF House Plans with a Walkout Basement
Tips for Designing ICF House Plans With a Walkout Basement
Remove Costs on your ICF Project
Two proven areas to remove costs are cor­ners and truss wire.
Las Vegas Goes Green with ICFs
Thanks to Randy and Bart, many Las Vegas fire sta­tions will be now be built using Fox Blocks core 6″ insu­lat­ed con­crete forms. An excit­ing exam­ple of excel­lent work between a region­al man­ag­er and a top flight local deal­er.
AAC vs ICF Construction: What’s the Difference, Pros & Cons?
What Are the Differences Between AAC and ICF Construction?
When con­sid­er­ing AAC vs ICF con­struc­tion, it’s impor­tant to know the dif­fer­ences, pros, and cons.
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Building Energy-Efficient, Safe, and Healthy Low-Income Housing with Fox Blocks ICFs
How Architects Can Sell Clients on ICF Construction
Uti­liz­ing ICF for res­i­den­tial projects is an amaz­ing way to cre­ate strong and safe homes while uti­liz­ing ICF for com­mer­cial projects is an easy way to hit dead­lines ear­li­er with low­er costs. Want to know how to sell your clients on ICF con­struc­tion? Keep read­ing to receive expert knowl­edge on all the ben­e­fits and the best way to com­mu­ni­cate them.
How to Assess Contractors for Building with ICFs
Flexible Construction 3
Flexible Construction: Can ICFs be Poured in Multiple Stages?