5 Alternative Building Methods that Can Improve Profits and Productivity
Improving profits without sacrificing quality — the ultimate goal of all homebuilders. Here are five alternative building methods that can improve your net profit margin by saving time and money.
Aluminum Stud Problems and a Better Alternative
A 150-year-old grainery building was transformed into a restaurant and microbrewery in Ontario by a couple looking to revitalize their community and join the up-and-coming craft beer market.
What's In Your Air?
We face environmental pollution every day we step outside our door.
2 Story ICF Construction: An Ultimate Guide
Explore the benefits of 2 story ICF construction for energy-efficient, durable homes with Fox Blocks’ advanced Insulated Concrete Forms.
Comparing Costs of Concrete Block vs Wood Frame Construction and a Better Alternative to Both
How to Build an ICF Barndominium
How Building a Concrete ICF Home Saves on Initial and Long-Term Costs
The Advantages of ICF Construction for Multiplex Housing
The Krafthaus home was built in the plains of Black Forest, Colorado which meant a high water table (4’ below grade), poor soil quality, and weather conditions that included high wind gusts and snow drifts up to 5 feet tall.