Fox Blocks Radius Form and what a radius wall looks like

Fox Blocks Radius Form and what a radius wall looks like

Fox Blocks 3' 8 Radius out of 5' Fox Radius by Penna Concrete in Laguna

Fox Blocks 3' 8 Radius out of 5' Fox Radius by Penna Concrete in Laguna

Fox Blocks Santa Rosa CA Sculptors Studio Radius Walls Tour

Fox Blocks Santa Rosa CA Sculptors Studio Radius Walls Tour

Fox Blocks in Laguna radius corner and tower poured out clean

Fox Blocks in Laguna radius corner and tower poured out clean

Fox Blocks Gregg Abel Design Radius Entry Turret Hyperbolic Curve 4 11

Fox Blocks Gregg Abel Design Radius Entry Turret Hyperbolic Curve 4 11

Fox Blocks Radius Corner Finished Example by Greg Abel Design using Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Radius Corner Finished Example by Greg Abel Design using Insulated Concrete Forms

Round Top Openings with the Fox Buck: A How To
Fox Block­’s Glen Klassen shows you how to get it done for three dif­fer­ent radius­es.
Image 22
The for­ward-think­ing police depart­ment in Saugeen Shores want­ed a bul­let- proof, state-of-the-art sta­tion. The design was devel­oped with expan­sion in mind so the head­quar­ters can grow with the neigh­bor­hoods that the depart­ment serves.