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How ICF Solves the Problems of Both Metal and Wood Stud Framing
Insulated Concrete Form Foundations Header
Insulated Concrete Form Foundations Vs. Poured Concrete Foundation
How Building a Concrete ICF Home Saves on Initial and Long-Term Costs
Reduce Moisture Problems with ICF Construction
Reduce Moisture Problems with ICF Construction
You can avoid stud-fram­ing mois­ture prob­lems by choos­ing a mois­ture-resis­tant insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) foun­da­tion for your new home.
Building & Connecting Efficient ICF Additions to a Home
Understanding the Construction Process for an ICF Home Addition
ICFs and Severe Weather
The steel rein­forced con­crete, which can cure stronger than nor­mal con­crete because of the foam insu­la­tion, can with­stand winds of over 200 MPH, and pro­jec­tile debris trav­el­ing over 100 MPH. There are dozens of eye wit­ness exam­ples of ICF homes tak­ing EF5 tor­na­does head on with the walls still stand­ing.
13 Must-Haves When Building a New Home
Build­ing a new home offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to include the lat­est ener­gy-effi­cient, durable, and sus­tain­able prod­ucts and meth­ods, sav­ing you mon­ey on month­ly and long-term expens­es.
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How Building a Concrete ICF Home Saves on Initial and Long-Term Costs
What is a Frost Wall 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
What is a Frost Wall? 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation
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5 Alternative Building Methods that Can Improve Profits and Productivity
Improv­ing prof­its with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty — the ulti­mate goal of all home­builders. Here are five alter­na­tive build­ing meth­ods that can improve your net prof­it mar­gin by sav­ing time and mon­ey.