Springhouse Village IMG 2927
Springhouse Village IMG 2573
Springhouse Village DJI 0483
Springhouse Village IMG 4030
Springhouse Village IMG 0193
Springhouse Village IMG 0279
Location: Springfield, Missouri
Square Footage: 96,500 (overall), 55,260 (Fox Blocks)
Springhouse Village DJI 0483

Springhouse Village is a licensed assisted-living healthcare building with stringent fire code and life safety requirements. The largest difficulties faced during construction were due to extreme weather. A total of 119 weather days impacted the project’s construction schedule. The use of ICF walls was crucial, as it allowed for pouring on nearly all scheduled days, even during cold weather, rain, snow, and ice. Fox Blocks’ insulation and ease of use made it simple to continue construction on weather days by covering the forms prior to pouring.

The building’s size and design also made for planning and completion challenges that most ICF projects may not face. Wall heights varied, with well over 200 window and door openings, a large number of wall insets and corners, and a large chimney at the main entrance. Fox Blocks ICF construction made it possible to execute all factors of the complex architecture in a very efficient manner.

Springhouse Village IMG 2573
Springhouse Village IMG 2927

An important consideration in building the assisted-living development was financial and environmental feasibility. Producing a home that makes the world a better place, reduces energy impact on the community, and provides for a sustainable future was the most important priority when developing Springhouse Village. The use of ICF construction was a significant tool used to combat energy costs, increase structure longevity, enjoyment and protection of life, and provide sustainable construction.

Springhouse Village IMG 0279
Springhouse Village IMG 0193
Springhouse Village IMG 4030

Location: Springfield, Missouri

Industry: Multifamily Assisted Living

Size: 96,500 sq. ft.

ICF Use: 55,260 sq. ft.

Cost: $31,216,000

Total Construction: 73 Weeks

ICF Installation Time: 145 Days

Contractor: Zach Fischer, Foster Development

ICF Installer: Advanced Concrete Technologies (ACT)

Architect: Eddie Tims

Forms Used: 6-inch core forms

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