After losing their home to a fire in 2017, the project owners aimed to build a replacement that was similar in design but stronger and more fire-resistant. The fire had extensively damaged the site, which necessitated a complete demolition of the old structure, including the former basement, prior to the construction of the new ICF home. Once new construction began, the builders had to contend with the cold winter season in Iowa. They were able to avoid concrete freezing through the use of Fox Blocks ICF. The concrete was poured into Fox Blocks and completely covered at the top to keep any material from freezing and keep the build moving forward on schedule.

The home design was modeled after the house that had burned down with some minor architectural changes. It was designed as a zero-entry home, making entry quick and easy for the inhabitants who want to remain in the home as they age. The home also features a storm shelter incorporated under the front stoop of the home, which the original stick-built home did not include. The rebuilding of this home was a healing experience for the owners. After a tragic loss due to fire, they can rest assured knowing that their ICF-built home has higher fire standards. The contractor is a firm believer in building with ICF, having built 52 ICF homes and counting.

The home gave the owners a sense of security and comfort after their home burnt down. They were able to continue living on their beloved property in a new build that was completed on time, within budget, and with higher fire safety standards as a result of building with ICF.
Project Stats
Location: Winterset, IA
Industry: Large Residential
Size: 3,449 sq. ft. (Floor)
ICF Use: 6,500 sq. ft.
Cost: $260,000
Total Construction: 24 weeks
ICF Installation Time: 14 days