Chatham Mixed Use6
Chatham Mixed Use13
Chatham Mixed Use finished13
Chatham Mixed Use finished12
Chatham Mixed Use Finished3
Location: Fairhope, Alabama
Square Footage: 6,891 (overall), 6,379 (Fox Blocks)
Chatham Mixed Use Finished3

The building sits on a 42-foot-wide lot with a height restriction of 35 feet. The demanding design details included 12-foot ceilings that would allow the doors and windows to be 10 feet to the top of the transoms. Located in hurricane zone 4 (131-155 mph sustained winds), the building needed a strong method of construction. The ICF walls were an integral piece to meet the design details and owner’s objective, as they provide both the strength of reinforced concrete and continuous insulation that was demanded. With additional creative features, including floor systems which allow for future modifications of the interior space, the completed project is Fortified Gold Certified, which confirms that the building is storm-rated to the highest degree.

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Chatham Mixed Use13

Fairhope, Alabama has a very restrictive architectural code and a demanding Historic Preservation Committee who regulates building design and construction covenants on all remodel and new construction projects. The design had to meet and exceed the restrictions, to maintain the high standards of the design and construction teams. There was limited staging and laydown area on the narrow lot. Additionally, downtown Fairhope has significant traffic throughout the year due to the art scene and local beaches. In order to stage all project deliveries to this urban lot, the team had to submit a traffic-control plan to the City of Fairhope for street closures on a major downtown street. The combination of the traffic plan and the ease of working with Fox Blocks—which are much smaller and lighter than traditional framing materials—made project delivery a breeze.

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Chatham Mixed Use finished12

By utilizing two stories of Fox Blocks ICF wall, insulating the doors and windows with Fox Bucks, and adding perimeter open-cell insulation in the attic, the building has impeccable insulation which created extremely low energy costs. The utility bill for the entire 5,300 square feet of air-conditioned space is consistently $400 to $450 per month lower than it would be for a traditional build of this size.

Location: Fairhope, Alabama

Industry: Multifamily Low-Rise, Light Commercial

Size: 6,891 sq. ft

ICF Use: 6,379 sq. ft

Cost: $2 Million

Total Construction: 80 Weeks

ICF Installation Time: 1st level: 7 days, 2nd level: 8 days

Contractor: Rick Twilley, Twilley Builders Inc

ICF Installer: Rodney & Paul Hubble, Force 5 Walls Inc.

Architect: Bob Chatham, Bob Chatham Custom Home Design

Forms Used: 4”, 6”, and 8” cores

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