Three Key Areas give You the True Accurate Cost of the ICF you Choose

Calculating the true cost of installing ICF blocks means that you have to consider everything included- which may not be apparent at first. Fox Blocks provides customers with tools that can be used to produce a realistic estimate that homeowners and contractors can take to the bank. Check out our three tips below and download our Man Hour Rate Sheet for your next ICF project.
- ICF Block Cost. Most ICF’s fall to within $0.10 per square foot of each other in block cost which is a minor portion of the overall cost of the wall construction. You must get All-In landed ICF System cost to accurately compare.
- Ancillary Product Cost. Add in all ancillary products cost not in the block quote. A common example is most ICF’s require internal truss wire to give needed strength to the system. Know what’s required within system install guidelines to produce a straight wall. See other side for examples that will Save You Time & $$$$ on your next job.
- Man Hour Rate to Install. Eliminating tasks will shave hours/days off the project. Installation labor is the largest portion of overall ICF cost. Seek full disclosure on man hour rates to install the ICF system you are considering. Listening to experienced installing contractors and have gained an understanding of what ICF product attributes can make the difference between a streamlined, profitable job and one that is not. Fox Blocks offers a Man Hour Rate Sheet on our website.