Fox Blocks Recognized at 2016 ICF Builder Awards

The ICF Builder Awards are held annually and are meant to bring awareness to the ICF industry as well as to showcase the innovation and quality that is possible utilizing ICFs. “The variety and scale of projects being built with ICFs is truly astounding,” said Clark Ricks, organizer of the competition. “It’s time these outstanding projects and the ICf professionals associated with them receive widespread recognition, and we feel privileged to take a leading role in that.”
Fox Blocks is proud to announce winning several awards this year and would like to thank our partners throughout the industry. Without our team of contractors, dealers, distributors, developers, owners, and architects, winning these prestigious awards would not be possible. Congratulations to all who were involved!
- Small Residential Division
2nd Runner Up, Kauder Residence, Milton, DE
- Multifamily Division
Winner, Holiday Inn & Conference Center, West Chester, OH
- Light Commercial Division
Winner, Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Phoenix, AZ
- Light Commercial Division
1st Runner Up, Christian Life Center, Dayton, OH
- Heavy Commercial Division
1st Runner Up, Park City Sound Studio, Park City, UT
- Heavy Commercial Division
Winner, Health City, Cayman Islands